
Your network is your net worth. I’m sure you have heard this statement before. Even though it’s cliché, it teaches a valuable lesson: Your success depends on how well you can connect and communicate with others. You must deal with people in your daily life whether you like it or not. Understand that people are here […]

10 Proven Ways to Make a Great First Impression Read More »

Goal setting: How setting goals can improve your life

Goal Setting sounds like a big commitment and too much work. Often, people run away from the term goal setting or avoid setting it, thinking that it is a whole lot of boring tasks.  However, consider goal setting as a ‘magic wand’ which can make your dreams come true, whether big or small. If you

Goal Setting: How Goal Setting Can Improve Your Life Read More »

Man using phone

Habits create reality. What we do every day determines what we become. If you exercise and eat well, you will be in good shape. If you procrastinated in the past, you might not see any progress in your work. There is no doubt that you must incorporate good habits into your life. But what about

4 Daily Habits You Must Get Rid Of In 2023 Read More »

how to save money as a student

As a student, you live off your pocket money. Your parents give you a monthly allowance, which you spend on your needs. You must spend the money wisely. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to survive the month without any extra money. Your target should not be to spend all your allowance money. Instead,

7 Effective Ways To Save Money As A Student Read More »

Reading self-help books for students is one of the best ways to improve their lives. Students often focus only on textbooks and academic education. However, reading self-improvement books teaches life lessons that they do not learn in school. Every student must develop a daily reading habit. It does not matter if they read only a

5 Self-Help Books Students Must Read For A Better Life Read More »